Why consider Tooth Whitening?
Studies have shown that your smile is the first thing that a person notices about your face and by choosing to have Tooth Whitening at Gowerton Dental you can be confident of guaranteed results.
What will happen at my Tooth Whitening Consultation?
At your free consultation, one of our dentists will thoroughly assess your teeth to check that they are suitable for the tooth whitening process.
If suitable, before commencement of the home whitening treatment, your dentist will professionally remove any surface stains that are on your teeth. This will ensure that your teeth are perfectly prepared to start your whitening treatment.
Whitening Treatment
You will complete your tooth whitening in the comfort of your own home. A custom made mouth guard will be supplied to you alongside your whitening gels. The whitening process is individually tailored to each person so you will expertly be advised as to how to achieve your perfect, white smile.
Your whitening will be reviewed 2 weeks after commencement of treatment to assure that you are happy with the results.
If you are considering a whitening treatment with us, do not hesitate to book your free consultation on 01792 873979.